Ozone Therapy in San Jose
Ozone therapy refers to the process of administering ozone gas into your body to treat a disease or wound. Ozone is a colorless gas made up of three atoms of oxygen (O3).
IV ozone therapy helps in the production of antioxidants which inactivates free radicals reducing the oxidative stress caused by them. Reducing this oxidative stress helps keep you young and vibrant. This is another key benefit IV ozone therapy delivers. It slows down aging at the cellular level.
Ozone is a naturally occurring gas. Its chemical structure consists of three atoms of oxygen, is colorless, and is believed to have many therapeutic effects when administered intravenously.
How does it work?
Medical ozone has been used to disinfect medical supplies and treat different conditions for more than 100 years. It may also help prevent infection in wounds.
When ozone comes into contact with bodily fluids, the resulting reactions form more proteins and red blood cells. This increases oxygen supply in your body.
Ozone therapy may also disrupt unhealthy processes in your body. Research has shown that ozone therapy can inactivate:
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Fungi
- Yeast
- Protozoa
What helps treat it?
Ozone therapy may be used for a variety of conditions. Research is ongoing regarding its effectiveness and safety.
Breathing disorders:
People with breathing disorders may be good candidates for ozone therapy, though more research is needed. By increasing the oxygen levels in your blood, ozone therapy may help reduce the stress on your lungs. Your lungs are responsible for supplying oxygen to your blood.
Ozone therapy also shows promise in reducing the risk of complications from diabetes. Complications are often caused by oxidative stress in the body. Ozone may correct oxidative stress by activating the body’s immune and antioxidant systems and reducing inflammation. Ozone therapy in people with diabetic foot ulcers helped close the wound and reduced the chances of infection. Ozone therapy could be helpful for wound healing, a common side effect of diabetes.
Immune disorders:
Ozone therapy may have benefits for people with immune disorders because it appears to help stimulate the immune system. A 2018 study found that ozone mixed with blood and injected into people with HIV significantly reduced their viral load over a 2-year period. A lower viral load means less of the virus is present, which can improve long-term health. Other examples of autoimmune diseases that Ozone therapy helps to improve and/or mitigate such conditions: Lyme Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and much more.
What happens during treatment:
There are many different ways to receive ozone therapy. Your healthcare provider will discuss the best options for you and your treatment.
Three main forms of treatment include administering ozone:
Directly to the tissue: If you undergo ozone therapy for an extremity problem or wound, the ozone gas will most likely be applied directly to the tissue of the affected body part. The gas is administered in a protective covering.
Intravenously: To treat internal disorders, such as HIV, the ozone gas is usually dissolved into blood that was taken from you. Then, the blood with the dissolved gas is injected back into you through an IV. Intravenous use can carry the risk of causing an embolism through the formation of air bubbles.
Intramuscularly: Ozone therapy is also available as an intramuscular injection. For this injection, the ozone gas is often mixed with oxygen before administration.
- Ozone therapy’s efficacy is mixed, but many of the studies’ findings are encouraging. Ozone therapy clinical trials are currently being conducted for a variety of ailments, including arthritis and heart disease.
- Ozone therapy may improve range of motion and delay decline in knee osteoarthritis.
- Ozone therapy may also be beneficial for people who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or back pain caused by herniated discs.
- Additionally, ozone has been utilized and studied in numerous dental procedures.
- Ozonated water may be effective as a disinfectant during root canals, according to 2019 research. Among other applications, it may also aid in desensitizing exposed dentin.
- There are numerous products that claim to provide ozone therapy but have not been shown to be effective. A naturopathic doctor or trained healthcare professional should administer ozone therapy.
Common side Effects of Ozone Therapy:
Ozone therapy is best practiced in a medical facility, but many people try it at home. The gas poses a greater threat at home because accidental inhalation may cause mild symptoms. These include a mild headache, burning eyes, coughing, nausea, and lightheadedness. These side effects are brief and for the most part settle soon after the treatment.
There is the potential for a herxheimer (healing) reaction. This is technically known as “detoxing,” which is when you feel worse before you feel better. Patients may experience flu-like symptoms as their bodies eliminate waste and toxins. This is a natural healing process that occurs in other modalities as well and is not a side effect of Ozone. This process takes longer than the others, but don’t worry about it because it will go away on its own as your body detoxifies.
Positive Secondary Side Effects of Ozone Therapy:
- Nails and skin that are healthy and glowing
- Improved energy levels
- More restful sleep